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UMA PERGUNTA PARA VOCÊ: Como seria o Brasil hoje sem o jornalismo independente que denuncia, investiga e publica a verdade porque não tem compromisso com patrocinadores e governos? O Intercept está passando por mudanças profundas — perdeu fontes de recursos, mas continua fazendo jornalismo com coragem porque é apoiado por milhares de cidadãos. Continuamos reportando com qualidade e ousadia porque somos feitos por jornalistas com foco em interesse público, não por empresários. R$ 20 ou R$ 50 não parecem suficientes para mudar o país, certo? Errado! Você tem a oportunidade de fazer algo concreto hoje e nos apoiar para que o trabalho do Intercept não pare.

Faça acontecer o jornalismo que você acredita.
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initialMonthlyAmount : initialOneTimeAmount; var bodyElement = document.querySelector('body'); var $body = $(bodyElement); var htmlElement = document.querySelector('html'); var $html = $(htmlElement); var donateButton = document.getElementById('donate'); var formElement = document.getElementById('form'); var formFieldsContainer = document.getElementById('form-fields-container'); switch (realmSpeakingId) { case 'theintercept': currency = 'USD'; break; case 'theintercept-brasil': currency = 'BRL'; break; default: throw new Error(JSON.stringify(realmSpeakingId) + ' is not a valid realm speakingId'); } function handleDonateClick() { FLMPiano.dispatchEventToParent('experience:convert', { experiencePrefix: experiencePrefix }); FLMPiano.trackGAEvent({ eventLabel: 'end-of-article ask: click' }); piano.logConversion(realmSpeakingId, 'Donate Click', 1); var amountGroups = document.getElementsByClassName('amount-button-group') for (amountGroup of amountGroups) { if (amountGroup.classList.contains('selected')) { var selectedInput = amountGroup.querySelector('input[checked="checked"]'); updateDonateUrlParams({ amount: selectedInput.value }); } } } function handleLoad() { renderFormFields(); FLMPiano.setUpResponsiveContainer('#Piano', { onResize: handleParentResize }); donateButton.addEventListener('click', handleDonateClick); formElement.addEventListener('submit', handleDonateClick); FLMPiano.waitForParams({ requirements: { customVariables: true } }).then(function(params) { originatingReferrer = params.customVariables.originatingReferrer; referrerUrl = params.url; if (typeof params.customVariables.referrer_post_id === 'string') { referrerPostId = Number(params.customVariables.referrer_post_id); if (isNaN(referrerPostId)) { referrerPostId = undefined; } } updateDonateUrlParams({ amount: initialAmount, originating_referrer: originatingReferrer, recurring_period: initialRecurringPeriod, referrer_post_id: referrerPostId, referrer_url: referrerUrl, source: source }); if (params.preview) { $html.addClass('extraSmall'); $html.addClass('sized'); } $html.addClass('loaded'); }); TI.tracking.parsely.insert(); } function handleParentResize() { $html.addClass('sized'); } function renderGroupAmount(amount, amountOptions, groupLabel, recurringPeriod) { var amountGroup = FLMPiano.dom.renderElement('div', { className: 'button-group amount-button-group ' + groupLabel + (groupLabel === recurringPeriod ? 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return; } if (recurringPeriodOptions.indexOf(initialRecurringPeriod) < 0) { console.error('"' + initialRecurringPeriod + '" is not a valid recurring-period-selection value, it must be included in the configured recurring-period-options to work'); initialRecurringPeriod = null; return; } var amountsGroup = FLMPiano.dom.renderElement('div', { className: 'amount-button-group-items' }); amountsGroup.appendChild(renderGroupAmount( initialOneTimeAmount, oneTimeAmountOptions, 'one-time', initialRecurringPeriod )); amountsGroup.appendChild(renderGroupAmount( initialMonthlyAmount, monthlyAmountOptions, 'months', initialRecurringPeriod )); var recurringPeriodsGroup = renderRecurringPeriodsGroup(recurringPeriodOptions); var amountFrequencyGroup = [ amountsGroup, recurringPeriodsGroup ]; if (amountFrequencyOrder === 'frequency-amount') { amountFrequencyGroup = [ recurringPeriodsGroup, amountsGroup ]; } FLMPiano.dom.appendChildrenToElement(formFieldsContainer, amountFrequencyGroup); } function updateDonateUrlParams(params) { var newUrl = FLMPiano.buildUrl(donateButton.href, params); 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