An error has occurred


(function setupResponsiveContainer(containerId, breakpoints) { var container; function handleMessage(event) { if ( && && === 'resize') { return handleParentResize(; } } function handleParentResize(event) { container = container || document.getElementById(containerId); if (!container) { return; } // remove the existing breakpoint class (if any) and add in the current one container.className = container.className .split(/\s+/) .filter(isNotBreakpointClassName) .concat([ event.breakpoint ]) .join(' '); } function isNotBreakpointClassName(className) { return (breakpoints.indexOf(className) < 0); } window.addEventListener('message', handleMessage, false); })('Piano', [ 'extraSmall', 'small', 'medium', 'large' ]); // Helper because you can't type html tag into Piano script because it gets stripped out! e.g. $("
") breaks // Not nessecary in ActionKit but this code is shared (via copy/paste) between the two platforms. $.create = function(tag, options) { return $(String.fromCharCode(60) + tag + String.fromCharCode(62), options) }; function initThermometer(className, dataUrl) { $.getJSON(dataUrl).then(function(data) { // Set thermometer level - use 'each' because AK page has two views $('.' + className).each(function(_, thermoView) { thermoView = $(thermoView) if (thermoView.length === 0) return; var thermoBorder = $.create('div', { class: className+'-border' }); var thermoLevelView = $.create('div', { class: className+'-level' }); var thermoAmountView = $.create('div', { class: className+'-amount' }); thermoBorder.append(thermoLevelView); thermoView.append(thermoBorder, thermoAmountView); var percent = parseInt(data.progress); if (percent == 100 || percent == 0) { thermoLevelView.addClass('no-border'); } thermoLevelView.css('width', percent + '%'); thermoAmountView.text(data.goal.condensed + data.goal.scaleAbbreviation); thermoView.css('opacity', 1); }); // Update setence which states donation levels $('.' + className + '-goal-text').each(function(_, goalTextView) { goalTextView = $(goalTextView) var t = goalTextView.text(); t = t.replace('{goal}', data.goal.condensed + ' ' + data.goal.scale); t = t.replace('{donated}', data.amount.condensed + ' ' + data.amount.scale); goalTextView.text(t); }); }); } window.addEventListener('load', function(event) { var html = document.getElementsByTagName( 'html' )[0]; var theme = document.getElementById('Piano-theme'); html.className = html.className + ' loaded'; var enableSidebar = true; if (enableSidebar) { html.className += ' enable-sidebar'; } if (theme) { html.className += ' ' + theme.value; } initThermometer('DirectAsk-thermo', ''); })